Radiohead - In Rainbows

Already seen lots of "advertisements" of internet selling operation of Radiohead's 2007 new releasing album,
In Rainbows, I suppose I don't have to write more words about this. Yes, I'm the one using none of a penny to download the whole. As a listener, I believe it's reasonable even practical for the behavior of taking pre-listening before buying -and actually, Radiohead's
In Rainbows DOES make lots of people in any stands of "groupies" purchase it afterwards. That means, for the fans already existing and those in the future, as I am, buying music is the best way to show their adoring with accessional values such as better sound quality or the existence of music, like holding CD in your hands .
關於感想,這張新專輯對我而言是輕鬆的,也許是因為沒有了類似 Creep 及 Paranoid Android 的滿溢吉他聲響(或許說現在的 Radiohead 走向並非是以吉他為基痛的搖滾樂隊),取而代之的是鋼琴與弦樂的沈穩與自然張力,這樣聽起來卻別有一種更趨平衡的味道。諸多搖滾樂隊皆是如此,大量且單純的使用吉他效果器建構音牆以及旋律聲線容易造成聆聽時的壓力,久聽略感疲憊;而多使用古典樂器編制的卻反而容易造成失去焦點的結果。這最大的突破點我想便是於取得兩者之間的平衡,除了理論面(旋律比重、編制)還有實際面(古典樂器的音量通常比較小且柔和之類的問題),依我所感 Arcade Fire、Broken Social Scene 無疑的是這方面的翹楚--而坦白來說,In Rainbows 這張專輯電吉他有如「站到台下演奏」,又多了零碎的電氣節奏,但也同時能夠將鋼琴與弦樂融合得相當傑出。
我想我的感受與大家相同,新專輯雖非 the best of Radiohead's,但不遠矣。