「half-awake we are, in a fake empire」
此段話節錄自 The National 樂隊於 2007 年發行的專輯〈Boxer〉其中開場的第一首歌〈Fake Empire〉 的歌詞:
Stay out super late tonight
picking apples, making pie
Put a little something in our lemonade
and take it with us
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
Tip-toe through our shiny city with our diamond slippers on
Do our gay ballet on ice
Bluebirds on our shoulders
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
Turn the light out say goodnight
No thinking for a little while
Let’s not try to figure out everything at once
It’s hard to keep track of you falling through the sky
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
picking apples, making pie
Put a little something in our lemonade
and take it with us
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
Tip-toe through our shiny city with our diamond slippers on
Do our gay ballet on ice
Bluebirds on our shoulders
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
Turn the light out say goodnight
No thinking for a little while
Let’s not try to figure out everything at once
It’s hard to keep track of you falling through the sky
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
We’re half-awake in a fake empire
低沈頻率交織而成的豐富情感,建立在悠悠然然的中板上,我們渴望在這個城市生存的節奏大抵上也不過如此而已。生活就像是酒過三巡、半醒之間,別為了雞毛蒜皮小事傷透了腦筋,找到一個屬於你自己的虛幻國度,我想會比很多事情來的更重要。大家加油~ Cheers for life!